Saturday, November 5, 2016

Lepin 15011 Not Lego Detective's Office Set Review - Part Two

Hello, welcome back to  This post is a continues building of the Lepin 15011 Detective's Office bootleg Lego Set.   This post will focus on the second floor.  If you want to see the first floor build, go here.  I am following the Lepin instruction manual and trying  to document with pictures the progression of building the Detective's Office.

Step 20., lepin 15011 detectives office

After the first 20 steps of building the second floor, we now have the upper stairwell and bathroom constructed., lepin 15011 detectives office
 Here's the side view of what we have accomplished so far.  The small bathroom has an angled doorway, a toilet and sink., lepin 15011 detectives office
Back view.  Walls up, but no windows yet.

Step 30., lepin 15011 detectives office

Here we are on step 30.  Got some furniture delivered even before the detective's office is completed., lepin 15011 detectives office
The mysterious lady in red shows up early for her appointment.  Guess she can keep the file cabinet company., lepin 15011 detectives office
There are now windows on the bathroom side of the second floor.

Step 40., lepin 15011 detectives office
The second floor of the detective's Office is now substantially complete after step 40 of the Lepin instruction manual., lepin 15011 detectives office
Walls and windows added to the remainder of the second floor., lepin 15011 detectives office
More importantly, the Detective's office is now fully furnished with a desk, a hat rack, a fan and some pictures on the wall., lepin 15011 detectives office
Due to the tight space, it's hard to show what the inside of the office looks like., lepin 15011 detectives office
I like the outside window detailing that says "Ace Brickman Private Detective".

Step 44., lepin 15011 detectives office

Here are pictures of the Detective's Office completed second floor.   Want to point out the giant tiger cub that I got with the Lepin set., lepin 15011 detectives office
I think the police are responding to reports of a giant tiger club wandering around., lepin 15011 detectives office
Look, there it is, in front of Al's barber shop., lepin 15011 detectives office
I tried to get a few more shots of the inside of the Detective's office on the second floor.

*** ***, lepin 15011 detectives office, lepin 15011 detectives office

My next post will be devoted to the Detective's Office third floor and roof.  Thanks for looking!


  1. You've inspired me to start my detective office. Unfortunately, the front brown post pieces are missing. I had some sage green one pieces to sub in and I think it looks great. I'm just about the start the barber shop side. I hope I'm not missing anything more.

  2. My cat has not face or eyes either. Oh well he is kind of a strange size for the set.

  3. Missing more pieces and I'm just Finnished the first level. No mirror, two heads of figures missing, no smooth L shaped pieces, no post pieces that hold the missing mirror, no piece the holds the fan bladed above the pool table and no brown posts on the pool hall front. Yikes. I have to improvise

    1. Wow, sorry to hear Joe. I'd suggest contacting the vendor if you can. I've heard some AE vendors will send you the missing parts. If not, you might be forced to raise a dispute, which won't get you the missing parts, but you might get some money back.

  4. It's ok. Just started the third level and no more missing parts. I have a small amount of lego to sub parts in. I usually add some extra stuff into the sets to give some extra colour.
