Showing posts with label unboxing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label unboxing. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Unboxing the JMBricklayer 70124 Mechanical Chameleon Brick Set

Hi and welcome to It's Not Lego, my blog about the latest Lego style building block sets.  I received this latest set from, it's a very cool looking mechanical chameleon.  For this post, I'll just do an unboxing post (part 1) and I will do a full review in another post (part 2).   

Thanks to JMBricklayer for sending me the boxed set to review!  The almost neon green highlights on black background is a great color combo for the box.  The set number is 70124 with 827 pieces.

Here's the contents of the box that the chameleon building set comes in.  Let's take a closer look at what you get.

There's a good quality instruction booklet with 269 individual steps over 94 pages.

There are 5 major bags of parts accompanied by an assortment of smaller bags.

The larger bags are numbered 1 through 5  to correspond to the steps in the instruction manual.  The smaller bags contain the neon green body parts of the chameleon.  Additionally there is two other bags, one consisting of chrome plated parts and another containing a light brick and small sticker sheet.

Here's a closer look at the sticker sheet.  Just some minor stickers mostly.

Inside the manual, it shows you the breakdown of the build process using one of the corresponding bags of parts.

It's hard to tell but these are the chromed pieces that were in one of the extra bags.

Oh, here's an interesting piece, it's a 1x5 plate.  I don't think Lego makes a piece like this one.

I wonder if we will find more interesting or unique brick pieces, once we start building the mechanical chameleon.

The JMBricklayer Mechanical Chameleon is currently available for preorder on their website with early bird pricing and also on their Amazon stores in the very near future.

It will also be available from the their Amazon stores, so keep your eyes peeled for it.  That's it for now, look for an upcoming post where I build the chameleon and give you my thoughts on the building block set.

Don't forget to check out my other building block set reviews on   Bye!